Martes, Marso 4, 2014

Reading Log

A Test of Faith
By: Maxine Billings

Part I.

      I like the story for it revolves between family members and it talks about their faith most of the time. Andrea Hamilton is such a good and a magnificent mother to her little princess Kayla. She always gives her all just to protect Kayla and those people around her who keeps on loving her. It just so happened that her loving husband of ten years, Clayton was killed by a drunk driver. Andrea has always been her family’s rock, the one they turn to for strength and support. Andrea finds herself helpless when Clayton passed away because of the thought that she has Kayla who is still an innocent one and knowing the fact that she is pregnant now. I admire her for facing it strongly and also, I admire her family for they never leave Andrea alone.

      I hope it was stated in the story what really happened between Clayton and the drunk driver. What would happen to Andrea and Kayla if her mother-in-law- and father-in-law wouldn’t be there during the time she was so down? How does Leah felt the first time she knew that Andrea can’t hardly share the joy for her twin sister’s wedding? How can her family be that strong if their source of joy was also hopeless? Is there anything more than this tragedy can break the Hamilton family?

        I can connect myself to Andrea for like her I can say that I am strong and I also have a strong faith. Although she was weak at first but she still manage to bring back her faith and trust to God and to her family. I love how their family supports each member like mine. I like the family Andrea has especially her father-in-law William Washington for being a funny and a very supportive father. Her faith is really amazing and so her family, they were all religious and make God as the center of their living. Like them I also put God first before anything that I do. I can connect to the story above all because it is somewhat like a reality and sometimes because of those trials that we need to surpass we often lost our faith so it is also a lesson to us that we should not let ourselves lost the faith and just remember this “Everything happens for a very good reason and God’s will be done”.

        Maybe Kayla will be the first person to be affected when Andrea really give up that easily. Could the run of the story be more interesting if Clayton wasn’t killed? I think the bond between the twins will be tighter if only Andrea didn’t let her pride invades her heart, if only she accepts the fact earlier that Clayton is already gone and didn’t gives her all anger
Part II.

Character Report

Andrea Hamilton
-         Thirty-five-year-old Andrea Hamilton has always been her family’s rock, the one they turn to for strength and support. But when Clayton, her beloved husband of ten years, is killed by a drunk driver, Andrea finds on the other side of grief, consumed with despair despite her caring family’s best efforts to comfort her. And while the loss of her husband is the most difficult experience of her life, it’s not the only challenge she faces.
-          She has a baby named Kayla, her little princess. She always makes sure that Kayla will mold into a responsible young lady now that Clayton is gone. She also has a twin sister named Leah. Leah is engaged to be married-to her brother-n-law. Andrea is happy for them, but their joy also reminds her of what she has lost. When her sister starts planning an extravagant wedding, she finds it hard to share in her joy and the tension threatens to rip apart their once close relationships.
-         Because of those trials she’s been facing, she feels that she is being tested in so many ways. She lost her faith because of these trials but she still able to surpass those because of the help of her loving family. She’s been a magnificent mother to Kayla and her little one.

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